Stock Policy
We only list items for sale on our website if we have them in stock in our Auckland warehouse and do not knowingly list items that are out of stock.
If for some reason we can not complete your order we undertake to contact you in the first instance for guidance on your wishes. A full refund is always the first option available to you.
Special order items
We try to stock the most common parts from RAM Mounts, Iasus, Ready2Talk and SENA. It is not possible to carry the entire range, as an example, the RAM Mount catalogue has over 5,000 part numbers in it. We are happy to order items in and also quote on wholesale lots. Contact us at to discuss it.
We ask for a 50% deposit upfront prior to ordering special order items and large quantities. Special order items can have long lead times that can range from 7 days to four months. RAM Mounts is a good example of this.
Please ask us if there is something that you need that we do not list - we are always happy to quote and will price match against truly New Zealand based RAM suppliers if it is possible to do so.